brainmachine arduino port

I've been looking everywhere for an arduino port of Mitch Altman's brainmachine from make magazine
without success, so i tried to solve it myself. this is my second programm after the first blink example.
was really easy, just adding the setup routine, renaming main() to loop(), and finaly remapping some pins.
nice improvement would be to use some digital-in's for button to switch the brainwave states or even record them, maybe for later use or yey, an online electronic trip database.

for arduino diecimila

for arduino wt. atmega8

pin 12 left eye
pin 13 right eye
pin 6 left ear (pin 11 on atmega8)
pin 9 right ear

(dont forget 2k resistors between each element and ground, too loud too shiny)

(+2) (-)
09.05.2008 | tags | comments | permalink 

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